For those that have passions, want to get into entrepreneurship, content creation or already have existing businesses, but struggle to get clients or make money online...

The "Anti-Niche" Content Creation System To Attracting Like Minded Individuals (In 30 Days) Who Buy Your Stuff

Avoid being trapped in your "niche, clarify your daily actions, and make money doing what you love.

So who is this for exactly?

Anybody that falls into one of these categories:

  • You want to start making money online, but you have no idea how to start.
  • You've tried e-commerce, droppshipping, smma, etc in the past, but nothing seems to work.
  • You want to start getting payed for the content you are already making.
  • You want to start producing content, grow a following and monetize that following down the road.
  • You've tried learning all this information for free on youtube, but you feel lost and need a step by step plan.
  • You want to make content, but you don't want to show your face.
  • You have a local or online business, but you're struggling to get more people to buy.
  • You don't want to stay stuck making "dancing videos" or trends and want to provide value with the posts you make.

I was there bro...

For the longest time my goal was to be able to hit my first $10k month, gain followers on social media and get paid for doing what I loved.

But I really struggled to learn how to do this.

I tried everything from dropshipping, wholesailing, freelancing, smma trying to make money, but nothing seemed to work.

I came to realize something though.

These businesses were working for other people, why wasn't it working for me.

At the time I did not know this, but looking back I now know the answer as to why I continued to fail, no matter what I tried.

The truth is I lacked the skills necessary to be able to make any of those businesses succeed.

So over the years I forced myself to learn these skills.

It took me a shit ton of hours, forcing myself through uncomfortable situations to teach myself these skills.

I had no one to show me the way. No mentor or paid course to guide me.

This is why I created this course.

To give others the exact roadmap to achieve these things, and more, so they won't have to suffer like I did.

I know these concepts will change your life like it did mine.

The School System failed me...

Very early on I knew that I never wanted to be stuck at a job I hated.

I didn't want to be forced to deal with people, coworkers or bosses I didn't like.

It took me 30 long years to finally acquire the skills that got me my first $14,324 month and get over 10.23 million views on tiktok.

This is everything I've learned over the past years all written and summarized for you in this course. This will give you all the tools to be able to do the same.

If you do not learn and study these concepts you will fail...

I've been at this for years bro. I remember I would stay up late at night, watching videos on dropshipping, business, marketing, and all things Gary Vee lol.

But jab, jab, right hook wasn't enough for me to finally start making money online.

After years of trial and error I was able to systemitize a process that literally anyone can follow.

Content Creation:

You must learn the art of capturing attention online. This is the very first essential skill that everyone should have, but seem to struggle with the most.

I see all these people trying to follow the latest trends, making corny dancing vids, trying to be "entertaining", but all this pushes you away from your main objective.

Capturing attention of prospects and turning them into paying customers.

I was there too. I at times felt "trapped" to my niche. I felt like I had to keep making the same boring vids, if I wanted the views.

I was the algorithim's bitch lol.

I felt like I couldn't talk about the things I truly valued and I felt like I wasn't giving people my all.

This is why you must learn how to create content the right way,

to avoid these feelings of dread, avoid creator's block and have content ideas flow like an endless river from your subconcious and impact those around you.


Oh how I love marketing. I could watch videos on this topic for hours.

But for the longest time I felt stuck. I really struggled to learn the concepts of marketing.

At the time it felt like everyone really tried to gatekeep all this information.

They would give hints and tips on the subject, but never gave a full answer. They never have an exact framework or step by step process that you should follow.

They made it seem that only these online "gurus" held the secrets.

I bought a few courses myself and even then they would't teach you the true concepts. They would push you higher and higher into their sales process and try to make you spend thousands of dollars just to learn these simple concepts I'm about to reveal.

The truth is a good marketer doesn't really know what will work.

They are good at marketing because they know that in order to find what works they must test.

Test headlines, ad copy, call to actions, offer, click through rates, etc...

Most people fail at marketing because they do not know what to look for.

They hit the boost button and when no sales come in they cry and blame the algorithm claiming "ads don't work" when clearly they do.

Learn how to test, learn what to look for and your marketing will bring in a flood of potential clients to your business.


This is where a lot of people struggle, me included.

At one point I got really good at marketing. My videos were popping, people were following me, I would get more leads, but for something reason I still wasn't making the money I desired.

At the time I blamed my marketing skills, thanks to the gurus claiming to know the secrets and wanting my cold hard cash lol.

But in reality it wasn't my marketing at all.

Sales is the final skill that we must possess if we want to get that lambo one day (my dream car)

It is the skill that will turn those "bad leads" into a money printing machine.

Personally I have made hundreds of cold calls, been cussed at, hung up on, etc to learn this crucial skill.

I've gotten so good to that point that I got people with no money begging to work with me lol.

Learn the art of sales and you can literally print money outta thin air.

These are the 3 essential skills you must possess if you want to make it in this space. We cover everything in the course.

Introducing: The "Anti-Niche" Content Creation System To Attracting Like Minded Individuals (In 30 Days) Who Buy Your Stuff

This online course is the Exact Roadmap that got me my first $14,324 Month and over 10.23 Million Views...

In order to succeed online, you need to master the 3 essential skills that very few people posses.

Content creation, marketing and sales.

The problem is that schools don't teach this. Why? I have no fucken clue.

In this course I take you step by step through each module teaching you these skills. You do not need to have a current business or knowledge to start.

I start with the basics and teach you everything you need to know, from the beginning, without the fluff.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • Learn exactly what type of content you should produce
  • How to never run out of content ideas.
  • How to turn your followers into clients.
  • How to start making money online even if you have no prior experience.
  • How to avoid feeling trapped in your "niche"
  • Client Acquisition systems that bring in new customers while you sleep.
  • Daily actions you "must" take to guarantee results.
  • How to start collecting $600, $1000, $2000 dollars with your content, even if you have only a few followers to begin with.


Here's my guarantee. This course promises to give you the tools necessary to land your first client online.

If you don't land at least 1 client within 365 days of using the concepts taught in this course, then I will personally refund every single cent and work with you until you do.

However, I want to disqualify the laggers right off the bat.

You have to actually prove that you applied these concepts for at least 6 months straight. I want screenshots and all.

So if you're thinking you are just gonna buy this course, do nothing with it, and still expect your money back at the end, then you are badly mistaken.

No Proof, No Refund, No Exceptions.

Think twice before you buy if you are acting on impulse.

Ready to Commit To Changing your life???

You have 2 choices. Stay on the path you are currently on and "hope" things will change,

or buy this blueprint and start the process of changing your life for good.

Yo Jovanny! I Got some Questions!

Do I Need Followers To Make This Work?

No, you do not need followers to make this work. If you have some that will help, but they aren't a requirement. I will give you the tools necessary to start building a following from scratch.

How Long Will It Take To Start Seeing Results?

Everyone is different, we all learn at different speeds. Skill is at play here. Like learining how to play a guitar, some may see results in a few days, some may need a few months to improve their skills. Either way you have to put in the work to learn.

Is This A Self Paced Course, Community, Or Cohort?

This is a self-paced course.You will have lifetime access and free updates.

Is This A Video Course? Ebook?

When you join you will get access to a membership dashboard.

This course is a mixture of text and videos that will teach you this system step by step. Just follow the modules in order.